2.3 billion mobile phone subscribers in the world
Mobile phone market is increasing at an ultra-amazing speed over last few years, especially in India and China. Here are some very interesting number to ponder upon.
As per a recent report by Informa Telecoms and media, total number of mobile subscribers in the world are estimated to be 2.3 billon at the end of June 2007.
To get a much better idea of explosive growth, let's look at the numbers and growth in India and China. A recent article in economics times reports that there are almost 177 million subscribers in India at the end of June 2007. More importantly, there are more than 6 million new subscribers per month in India -- and that's an amazing growth.
In china, number of mobile phone subscriber have already reached 501.64 million by the end of June 2007(as per a recent report by Ministry of Information Industry in China ). And the growth rate stands at 6.76 million a month on average -- another amazing number.
Are we ready for thousands of new opportunities created by this explosive growth?